Why Pursue a Career in Tech?
Tech Careers Team, StartSteps |22.07.2021
The 21st century is dominated by tremendous advances in the world of technology. Since the Silicon Valley Revolution, the tech world has grown ever more prominent and intermingled with every other aspect of human life. Just about every industry has been impacted by the new trend and has welcomed it with open arms.
The prevalence of the tech industry has also generated a large number of in-demand jobs. With the insane pace of advancement in technology, every line of business is filled with available IT jobs.
However, a large chunk of the public still doesn’t have a clear understanding of what tech jobs have to offer and what it takes to secure one. In this article, we’ll go over some of the perks of the tech world, including its growing benefits, flexibility, numerous job opportunities, high wages, etc. Moreover, we’ll inform you on how to prepare for a career in the tech-sphere.

Growing Benefits
Deciding on a college major or a career path is overwhelming, especially if you’re young and fresh out of high school. Whether you’re between jobs or wondering where to start your career, you can consider the tech zone because there’s a universe of job opportunities out there. However, If you’re thinking of a job in tech but are still on the fence, the following benefits might help you with the final decision.
Tech is Gigantic & Growing
Many firms work directly on tech-related topics with the objective of advancing the sector, both research-wise as well as in practical applications. You can now find companies all around the globe that solely focus on cutting-edge tech-related R&D and attempting to recruit professionals with various levels of tech expertise. Moreover, you can find a tech department in almost every business in this day and age.
New gadgets and devices are hitting the market every month, and new mediums are created and upgraded for connecting with clients and audiences. Hence, businesses try to stay updated with the latest tech services and trends. Consequently, they might require programmers, app & UI/UX designers, web developers, IT managers, etc., to handle the tech side of their industry.
Ample Opportunities
If you take a look around, you cannot find a single aspect of our lives without the trace and imprint of IT. It’s especially true in the business world because just about every enterprise requires at least a website, mobile phone app, and/or a digital marketing expert to help them grow and prosper. Most companies need skilled IT workers; it’s just up to you to find the one that fits your passion and skill set.
As far as the public sphere is concerned, governments recognize the urgent need to improve their services in all areas. For instance, today we see many education systems around the world in dire need of a massive upgrade. Training and upskilling the working population can help them to do so.
Good Pay & Flexible Hours
In most cases, remote working allows you to have complete flexibility on when and where you’ll work. That will enable you to create a relative balance between work and having enough hours to yourself. Moreover, tech jobs usually pay well because they’re in high demand. Even at entry-level, you can expect at least a €2900/month salary, including transportation, housing, and benefits. As you receive promotions and improve your skills, you can earn an average of between €3800-4500.
It’s Easy to Start
Even if you’re not particularly tech-savvy, you can still set foot in that world and successfully find meaningful employment. The industry doesn’t just need programmers and developers. There are many artistic and creative minds working in graphic or web design departments. All you need may be short-term, specialized training to give you the confidence and skills to get started.
The sector also requires individuals with sales experience to help boost, for instance, a company’s marketing through its website, social media, or apps. In general, if you dig deep, you can find a position that fits your background, education, skills, and previous experience. You may just need a compass to point you in the right direction and help you get started and familiarize yourself with the industry.
Just by working in the tech-savvy atmosphere of the industry, you’ll learn more about the technical aspects of the job and enhance your skillset. Bear in mind that the prevailing culture in tech companies is teamwork and sharing of knowledge in groups.

Starting the Journey
Assessing your skills and areas of interest is a prerequisite for success in a digital career. Taking into account a number of parameters such as interest, talent, objectives, and pace of learning, it’s possible to match an individual with the most on-the-mark program and training provider.
Each individual is unique and has a specific vision of their dream job. Therefore, a career training program is successful when it reflects that ideology. There is no one-size-fits-all recipe; when it comes to the digital sphere, there is a spectrum of job opportunities, almost for everyone. Many young students fresh out of high school don’t quite know the right path. Some may be good at algorithms; others may be programming geniuses.
At StarSteps, your career journey in the digital universe begins with an initial assessment. The Compass course helps students figure out in just one month which digital career is the right fit for them. As the name suggests, it’s a navigation course helping students try all the skills, meet all the bootcamps, discover their own interests, and guide them toward what they’re good at.
During the course, students can try out different skills such as coding, marketing, data, and UX/ UI to see what appeals to them the most.
Pursuant to a deep dive into the digital world from multiple angles, students will have a clear idea of the fully-funded training program they should select. During this 22-day course, participants familiarize themselves with the most sought-after tech jobs like UX/UI Design, Web Development, Data Analysis, and Digital Marketing.
Do You Need an Academic Degree?
The truth is due to the growing need for workforce in tech-related industries, many IT and tech-focused courses have been developed by various online training providers across the world.
In fact, a study indicated that since the 80s, the number of college students majoring in coding has never surpassed the 3% mark. Now, when you think about the vast expanse of today’s tech industry, you realize how shockingly low that figure is.
Career Bootcamps: From A to Z
So, where do other IT experts come from? In recent years, a growing number of people have been trained in digital skills boot camps. Participants go through a fully-funded learning program to prepare themselves in various IT fields. They’ll receive learning equipment such as laptops and other requisite materials for pursuing a career in the tech industry during the program.
For those who’re already experiencing a glimpse of their future career in the tech industry, there is a wide range of tech mentor courses designed to better equip them for their specific future. For example, some social media activists are interested in running and managing advertising campaigns. They’ll have the opportunity to participate in marketing courses toward obtaining the requisite credentials and skills for a career in that specific field.
Often people fail to land their dream job because they don’t have the necessary tools, training, or credentials. In addition to providing all of these things, there is another reason why career bootcamps have become so popular. They provide a trusted community of online experts who can mentor you and help you every step of the way until you sign the contract, sit behind the desk, and start earning a good salary while doing something you enjoy.
Bottom Line
Technology has become so all-enveloping in our lives it has tempted millions of all ages to pursue a career in tech. However, many don’t have the know-how or wherewithal to do so.
That’s where StarSteps comes in. We work with the leading digital training providers in Germany that offer funded courses by the Federal Employment Agencies to prepare you for what employment in the digital world demands. After our initial evaluation and early skills training, you’ll be referred to a leading education provider for your professional qualification. Next, you’ll be ready to apply, interview, and find a job. Our pledge is that if you focus on your study and efficiently utilize all the help provided, you’ll more than likely land the tech job of your dreams!
** July 22nd 2021